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18. April 2011, 16:30


Schottenbastei 10
Wien, 1010 Austria
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The US law of international commercial arbitration is for the first time the subject of a “Restatement of the Law” by the American Law Institute — a project designed, like all US Restatements, to bring coherence and some progressive thinking to a body of American law in great need of that. Portions of the Restatement (notably recognition and enforcement of international awards) have been completed and approved. Others (notably confirmation and annulment of awards) are in draft form. And still others (notably enforcing the arbitration agreement, judicial intervention in arbitral proceedings, and investor/state arbitration) still remain to be launched.
Professor George Bermann, of Columbia Law School and Chief Reporter of the Restatement, will present both the general lines of debate surrounding the Restatement, and identify and discuss the most salient concrete issues that have arisen and have been — or will soon be — resolved.

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