
11. April 2019, 18:00
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Blockchain and the UNCITRAL Model Law on Secured Transactions: A question of compatibility
11 April 2019, 6 pm
Sigmund Freud University Freudplatz 3, 1020 Vienna, Austria
Dr. Orkun Akseli
(Durham University Law School)
Spyridon V. Bazinas Introductory Remarks
Prof. Akseli will present the potential use of a blockchain based distributed ledger platform as a registry for security rights as well as its interac-tion with the principles of the UNCITRAL Model Law on Secured Transactions (‘MLST’). This type of technology has the potential to revolutionise the third party effectiveness of security inter-ests. In this process, the modern principles of the MLST could play a pivotal role in reducing the cost of credit and expanding the financial inclu-sion of small businesses and individuals. Block-chain and distributed ledger technology through disintermediation have the necessary characteristics to decentralise and streamline the registra-tion of security interests. The technology can also support the taking of security interests on digital assets. These assets include receivables denomi-nated as cryptocurrencies, units denominated as cryptocurrencies, blockchain based tokens repre-senting negotiable documents and blockchain ba-sed tokens representing securities.
Invitation: Blockchain and the UNCITRAL Model Law on Secured Transactions A question of compatibility
Please register by 10 April 2019
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